Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sept 23-25 Yellowstone

We saw a great deal of Yellowstone these next three days, but of course it would take much more time to see it all--it really is enormous. The day we headed to Mammoth Hot Springs (the white stuff you see here), the weather was clear and much warmer. Once again we saw sights that only a poet could possibly do justice to describing. While we were there, we had lunch at the old hotel. Touring the area and the old Fort was interrupted as we had to make detours around some rather aggressive bull elk who were in rut and carefully guarding their harems. The one in this picture had about 30 ladies he had rounded up for himself and didn't want to let anyone near them. I don't know why he thought the lawn of the hotel was going to give him a lot of privacy, though.

The only grizzlies we were able to see were in the Grizzly-Wolf education center. It was a nice non-profit center that was well worth visiting. We did get to see a wild wolf briefly on one of our drives. Three wolves had brought down an elk and were feeding on it as we got there. By the time we could grab the camera and get out of the car, though, they had moved off into the distance and we couldn't get a picture, although we did get a pretty good look at them while they trotted towards the woods.

1 comment:

Miss Mandy said...

Tell us the really wanted to skinny dip in those hot springs didn't you. =)

Ok, maybe that's just me.